CDSC and Clearing has cautioned investors regarding fake Mero Share app available at Google Play. According to CDSC, it has not developed any app on Mero Share, however, a Mero Share app has been launched in Google Play and investors are downloading the app and uploading their confidential data to it. The investors who have already uploaded their data to the app are prone to data piracy.
Apparently, the app has been downloaded more than 1,000 times through Google Play. The fake app has been uploaded by email ID with a profile name Little d Business. If one considers the app is genuine, the given address should have indicated to CDSC and Clearing Ltd.
With regard the fake app, Dev Prakash Gupta, CEO of CDSC said "CDSC has not developed any mobile app till date. The app is fake. Do not install the app. Those investors who have already installed the app should immediately uninstall it."
He requests investors to use Mero Share through official website of CDSC only.